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清澈、閃亮,呈濃郁的紫⾊,帶有紫藍⾊調。複雜的⾹ 氣,混合了⿊⾊⽔果(⿊莓和酸櫻桃)和法國橡⽊桶中帶 有烤⾹調的⾹料。 初⼊⼝和中段⼝感⾮常柔順、奶油般。是⼀款強⽽有⼒的 酒,優雅、帶有⿊莓和⾹料微妙的組合。單寧成熟,⼗分 和諧。⼝感平衡,餘韻悠⻑,完美的酒體。

*16 months in French oak barrels
Clear and shiny, with a rich purple color and purple-blue hues. The complex aroma is a mixture of black fruits (blackberry and sour cherry) and the toasted notes of French oak barrels.
The entry and mid-palate are very smooth and creamy-like. It is a strong and powerful wine, elegant, with a subtle combination of blackberry and spices. The tannins are mature and harmonious. The palate is balanced, with a long and lingering finish. It is perfect .

Château Laurence 2020

庫存單位: FR048


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