產品資料 :
產地 : 智利, Colchagua Valley
葡萄品種: 45% Cabernet Sauvignon, 40% Carmenere, 10% Syrah, 5% Merlot.
容量 : 750ml
酒精度(%VOL): 14% vol
甜度: Dry
The Piu Belle 2017 elegantly shows the new face of Carmenere. Aromas of blackberries combine with ripe plums and fine spices delivering freshness. Notes of blue flowers, violets, and lavender unfurl in the glass like the cool sea breezes which nightly sweep the vineyards. Vivid and precise, dynamic tannins mark the mid-palate. Bright acidity gives the wine an almost endless finish. Twenty-four months of aging in French oak marries flavors of blue fruits with nuances of rich coffee and mocha. This intriguing combination expresses the spirit of the new world imparting a memory that lasts a lifetime.
Food pairing: Smoked duck breast, grilled salmon.
Vina Vik La Piu Belle 2017
Vina Vik 維克酒莊由創辦人Alexander Vik協同Château Pavie前莊主Patrick Valette,率領由釀酒師、氣候學家、地質學家、葡萄栽培學家和農業學家等菁英組成的團隊,在智利Millahue Valley ”Place of Gold”黃金之地建立了Vik酒莊! Millahue Valley擁有12個不同類型的土釀區塊及小型微氣候,是智利獨一無二的罕見風土,Viña Vik多元的專業團隊在這裡大展身手,更聘請Château Margaux前釀酒師Cristian Vallejo,在同一片葡萄園,依土壤和環境的差異,種植不同葡萄品種!堅強陣容讓Vik登上智利名酒高壇、媲美五大的實力