燒焦、烘烤和煙燻的香氣預示著大量的橡木味道,但果味不多。在口中,這款葡萄酒具有強烈和尖銳的口感,伴隨著礦石般的單寧。炭燒的風味主導了這款赤霞珠,以木炭和丁香的氣息結尾,伴隨著乾燥的單寧。- Michael Schachner
Burnt, roasted, smoky aromas announce a ton of oak but not much fruit. In the mouth, this is big and edgy, with rocky tannins. Charred flavors dominate this Cabernet, which ends with charcoal and clove notes along with drying tannins. Michael Schachner
Balduzzi Cabernet Sauvignon 2022
庫存單位: MCH0511222