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a Vina Macabeo-Garnacha 2021是一款混釀白葡萄酒,呈現淡金色。它散發著柠檬和葡萄柚等柑橘類水果的新鮮香氣,還帶有微妙的熱帶水果味道。口感清新爽口,柑橘風味酸爽平衡。酒體輕至中等,質感柔滑,帶來愉悅的口感。收結乾淨,留下清爽的柑橘感覺。總的來說,La Vina Macabeo-Garnacha 2021是一款平衡的白葡萄酒混釀,非常適合追求清爽活潑口感的人。

La Vina Macabeo-Garnacha 2021 is a white wine blend with a pale golden color. It offers fresh aromas of citrus fruits like lemon and grapefruit, along with subtle tropical fruit notes. The palate is crisp and refreshing, with zesty citrus flavors and a balanced acidity. The wine has a light to medium body and a smooth texture, providing an enjoyable mouthfeel. The finish is clean and leaves a refreshing citrus sensation. Overall, La Vina Macabeo-Garnacha 2021 is a well-balanced white wine blend, perfect for those seeking a refreshing and lively wine experience.

La Vina Macabeo-Garnacha 2021

SKU: HSP1321221
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