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這款2018年的葡萄酒展示了豐富的風味特點。它帶有濃郁的巧克力、黑色水果、黑莓和藍莓的味道。在橡木桶陳釀的過程中,它可能吸收了香草、肉桂、松露和煙燻的香氣。口感可能帶有濃郁的櫻桃、黑色水果、黑櫻桃和石墨的味道。此外,它可能帶有柏油、煙熏和葡萄柚的氣息,並帶有伯爵茶的味道。Orsi Kocsis

This 2018 vintage wine exhibits rich flavor characteristics. It carries notes of intense chocolate, black fruit, blackberry, and blueberry. During the oak aging process, it may have absorbed aromas of vanilla, cinnamon, truffle, and smoke. On the palate, it may present flavors of luscious cherry, dark fruit, black cherry, and graphite. Additionally, it might have hints of tar, smoke, grapefruit, and Earl Grey tea.Orsi Kocsis

Chateau Pey La Tour Reserve Vieilles Vignes 2018

SKU: FCQ1511218
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